Tuesday, 1 October 2013

Communicating on the race track, motorsport and racing

Once we talk about motorsports, we are essentially touching on multiple varieties of event. We could be referring to Rallying, F1, Kart Racing, Boat Racing, and even Hovercraft Racing. Essentially, if it involves a motor vehicle in some way, it is a motorsport. Yes, that also includes snowmobiles.

These races, wherever they might be held and anything they may involve, tend to be large-scale events. Events such as these need a significant amount of planning and organization to pull off. There is smaller races, of course, but maybe these rely on the devotion and attention to detail of a committed few.

Concerns for example health and safety (including that of the drivers, technical personnel and spectators) or communication between drivers and pit crew (where applicable) are all of significant importance. Furthermore, other issues such as the creation of a safe viewing area for viewers or a steady stream of information discovering its way into the announcer’s box, are all highly central to general display of the event itself.

When televised, things become even more challenging. Broadcasters need access to appropriate information, often updated on a second-by-second basis. Cameramen require to be directed to anything of interest to the home viewer and also the production must become a part of that race without getting in the way.

A racetrack is typically a sizable portion of road, water or terrain. Keeping this zone clear and safe for racing presents many problems, in order to meet these challenges, communication needs to be instant, reliable and clear. 2 way radios, although being round in some form or another since the late 1930’s, continue to be the best method to achieve this.

Durable and solidly built, these radios are perfect for the diverse mixture of environments that motorsports can be held in (remember the snowmobile). These gadgets are not sensitive like smart phones or tablet PCs, they are sturdy, strong and tough.

When it comes to motorsports, two-way radios are an important tool. The truth is that it would be very tough for anyone to hold any type of race without them. From the Forumla 1 drivers contacting the pit crews, to those on-hand paramedics ready to rush into action at any second, to the race organizers keeping things safe and secure, 2 way radios are an important part of recent motorsports.

It’s impractical to misjudge the importance of immediate comms when you’re dealing with the degree of speed that these sports can reach. Clear indicators, easily transmitted over long areas, are the lifeblood of any racing event.

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