Tuesday 28 May 2013

While wearing earplugs, does a skeleton headset still operate?

However , there is no explanation why not. The principle parts of your ears are, essentially, aloof from the hearing practice when  ‘Bonephones’.

A skeleton headset is a conveyable speaker system manufactured to bypass various responsive portions of the ear so as to reduce the risk of hearing loss. Based on recent reports, any sound over 100 noise may cause hearing problems like tinnitus and short-term deafness, even giving you everlasting harm. Your typical iPod can achieve sounds as high as 115 decibels within the United states, but here within the United kingdom, special programs limits most appliances to about 100db.

Anyway, a skeleton headset (a technology occasionally referred to as ‘Bonephones’) can be the best way to listen to your music safely. Patrick J. Kiger of How Stuff Works.com explains the art behind ‘Bonephones’.

“To understand how bone conduction works, you first have to understand how we hear sounds, which we do in two ways: Sound travels in waves through the air. Normally, sound waves travel through several structures in the ear, before being translated and transmitted through our nervous systems to our brains. First, the waves enter the outer ear, or pinna, which is the big flappy piece of cartilage that helps to focus the sound. From there, the sound goes into the air-filled middle ear, which includes the auditory canal and the eardrum, a flap of skin that vibrates when exposed to the energy from sound waves. On the other side of the eardrum, there are three small bones, the ossicles, which are attached to it. They transmit the vibration to the cochlea, a fluid-filled structure that takes those vibrations and converts them to electrical impulses that are sent along the auditory nerve to the brain. But that’s not the only way our body can process sound. Sound waves can also be transmitted through the bones in your head. When the bones vibrate, the sound reaches the cochlea, just as it would by going through the middle ear and eardrum, and results in the same sort of nerve impulses being transmitted to your brain. This method of sound transmission is called bone conduction”

According to Kiger, the greater composer Beethoven utilized a sort of prototype version of the technique. By attaching a rod both to his piano and to his head, he might ‘hear’ the music he was making, an innovative answer that shares the exact same key principle with bone conduction.

‘Bonephones’ should haven’t any effect at all on whether a user is wearing earplugs or not, because the part of the ear that’s ‘plugged’ is not in reality in use.

My very own private doubts concerned the safety to that user of those new headphones, but Kiger affirms this,

“Deborah Price, a doctor of audiology and vice-chair of the Audiology Foundation of America, told Wired in 2004 that bone conduction is “very safe”

Furthermore, ‘Bonephones’ are specially good for our good for the visually impaired user, who may wish to play music, audiobooks or other content without having to cover their ears.

The technology continues to be fairly novel, but in the meanwhile it appears to be perfectly safe and usually able to match the essential capabilities of a standard pair of earbuds, although queries remain concerning the level of audio class accomplished via this technique.

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